Friday, December 27, 2019

The Liberal Era Of The Progressive Era - 1220 Words

A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. ( ). The Progressive Era consisted of reformers demanding the government to clean up society. Entering office in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt was an individual in the republican Party, but as the country began to spin out of control Roosevelt joined the new Progressive Party and saved the country from a disastrous ending (685). Reformers set out to cleanse the country go its wrong doings. The progressivism agenda included: an active government to right political, economic and social wrongs (685). The activist only wanted the governments intervention for a short period of time then let the country run without government after things were back too†¦show more content†¦Multiple groups consolidated to fight for reform. The economic down fall was too drastic that it effected a significant number of people from several groups, among those included young protestants, muckrakers, and sociali st. Young protestants were passionate for righting moral wrongs and up lifting human spirts. Being raised in a protestant home prompted their interest in social actions. Even though many of them abandoned their religious pathway of becoming ministries or missionaries they were still discouraged in the corruption in American politics and the separation of rich and poor classes. Ida B Wells was a young protestant known as a muckraker, whom worked in investigation journalism, her goal was to dredge up the muck in American institutions. Ida B Well exposed John d Rockefeller as he had turned his Standard Oil Company into monopoly. The govenor of New Year, theodore Roosevelt gained congresses attention by his strong dedication, leadership and effort to rid the state of corruption and patronage. This type of characteristics was exactly needed in a president during this time of movement. Roosevelt was chosen to be McKinley s running mate. McKinley won the election but choose Roosevelt as hi s vice president. McKinley was shot during his term leaving Roosevelt in charge of the country. In 1902 Roosevelt used Sherman s antitrust act to break up the northern securities company. After thisShow MoreRelatedProgressive Era And Liberal Era1382 Words   |  6 Pages DBQ Progressive Era Essay Many citizens throughout the Progressive Era believed no changes occurred in the society because the press did not write about the changes and the Woman’s Suffrage Movement did not change either. However, changes such as the government changing, both the labor and meat inspection reforms, and trusts reforms indeed brought about change, noticeable or not. 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Most of those journalists were part of a grander social movement to elicit change during a rocky social time in United States’ history (Gorman). It is essential to start any informative information of muckrakers by exhibiting the social conditions of progressivism. The Progressive Era began around 1895 and ended in 1920, it was a response to the shifting social structure the UnitedRead MoreExtent to which the Republican Party Liberalized1502 Words   |  6 PagesA. Plan of Investigation The Progressive Era was a time characterized by a multitude of reactions to the inherent problems in American society and politics. The previous age of â€Å"gilded† politics had left the American political system fraught with corruption and inefficiency, and the rise of industrialization made clear the socioeconomic divide between the lower and upper classes. Progressivism became a loosely connected movement of legislation, ideas, and people striving to improve theRead MoreGoals of the Progressive Era Essay1051 Words   |  5 Pagesaspects of society while conservatism stresses gradual change in society but promotes tradition rather than change. The Progressive movement from 1901 to 1917 worked to improve aspects of society that grew out of problems which occurred during the Industrial Age. The goals of the Progressives were to stop monopolies, corruption, inefficiency and social injustices. Both progressive acts and amendments were being passed to deal with social ills, corruption in politics and corporate America. The periodRead MoreThe Progressive Era1003 Words   |  5 PagesThe Progressive Era Progressivism in the United States took place in the period between the Spanish-American War and the entry of the United States into the great World War. It was a time for change in America in all walks of life, as well as a time for reform. 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With each need answered comes a needed question, for that which works for one era make have disastrous consequences for the next. Whereas the founding era, or the eighteenth century to the american revolution, questioned the constitution, the time after questioned the union and Lincoln’s words. The questions asked during each era were crucial to the development of our nation andRead MoreThe Progressive Movement in the US Essay648 Words   |  3 PagesAbrams, he says the progressives mostly sought to introduce old moral beliefs on Americans by trying to integrate Immigrants by making them accept the ways of American life. But Abrams states those goals were ruined for important motives. One being the movement failed because of racism, whic h was widespread, throughout this time era. Abrams also considers the new scientific developments concerning culture and race affected the movement in a relevant manner. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Issue Of Sex Trafficking - 1275 Words

For thousands of years women and children, boys and girls have been sold into unwilling slavery. In 1927, the League of Nations was founded, this organization was formed to focus on world peace and it also focused on human trafficking. In 1932, Japan had set up a system where women all across Asia were forced into sexual slavery. The women were housed in what were known as comfort stations. The conditions in these stations were atrocious, with each woman detained in a small cubicle, and received beatings and other tortures if they were defiant against the tortures brought down upon them. In 1956 India conformed the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act. This act was supposed to persecute the third parties involving human trafficking. Although, this act was bound to protect the women involved, it often ended up putting them in worse situations. In 1995, the United Nations held the fourth world conference, this actually put into motion that sex trafficking was a violation on a womans right for the refusal of any sexual notion she does not find herself involved in willingly. This act put into motion the establishment of local and international law enforcement to try and contain the ever growing black market of human slave trafficking. â€Å"The United States Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 defines â€Å"severe forms of trafficking† as: a) â€Å"sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced toShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Sex Trafficking874 Words   |  4 PagesIn Cambodia, sex trafficking has grown to a troublesome issue. Sex trafficking, also known as sex slavery, has become one of the fastest growing crimes occurring in the United States and internationally. It is the third largest crime-business in the world, after drugs and arms trafficking. Women, girls, and even men and boys are victims of the billion-dollar sex slavery industry. Sex trafficking occurs eve rywhere, and it is not cultural specific, but a gender specific issue. There are numerous casesRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Trafficking Essay1442 Words   |  6 Pageshuman trafficking is when people are being kidnapped and being sold to other people for business. It is defined as a new system of slavery. â€Å"This by means happens with the threat or use of force† or other forms of pressure, of abduction, â€Å"fraud, and deception†. Human trafficking is one of the biggest social issue happening around the world. It involves three most common types of human trafficking which are sex trafficking, forced labour, and debt slavery. This essay is going to focus on sex traffickingRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Trafficking858 Words   |  4 Pagesthere is a trafficking issue but that it doesn’t apply to everywhere in the world. The smaller the county, the less of a problem people believe trafficking is but this is not the case. No matter where in the world or the size of th e county trafficking is an issue everywhere. Without specific focus on informing students about the risks and reality of this issue in the world, students are being thrown into society unequipped to protect themselves and others from becoming sex slaves. This issue is not oneRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Trafficking2713 Words   |  11 Pagesthem is sex trafficking, which is a profitable business to people who stand in charge of it, but it is also dignity and life taking type. Although governments around the world try doing everything it can to solve the problem, not everyone is interested in the problem or even aware of it. The government of the U.S. should not be the only one who has to care about the problem, but the American people themselves should take interest in it too. The interest in the big problems like sex trafficking is veryRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Trafficking1595 Words   |  7 PagesStates, condemned sex trafficking around the world with these words, and he gave it a weighty name--slavery. Despite the fact that India is very much a part of the civilized world with its tremendous progress and emergence as a global power and despite the abolishment of slavery for over 150 years in India, slavery still remains and is in fact, becoming increasingly prevalent (Hameed). However, instead of slavery, the same oppression now exists as sex trafficking. Sex trafficking, defined by sexualRead MoreThe Legal Issues Of Sex Trafficking2346 Words   |  10 Pagesare involved in sex trafficking (source). Many Americans connect sex trafficking to third world countries and are surprised to discover that trafficking occurs equally as much in their home country. Sex trafficking in the United States is made up of foreigners being sold on American soil, American s being sold in foreign countries, and Americans being sold on American soil. Every girl, as well as the lesser number of boys, have their own story on how they ended up in sex trafficking. These storiesRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Sex Trafficking1262 Words   |  6 Pagescriminal act of human trafficking, innocent children are placed into a modern day act of slavery. Though the thought of enslaving children is shocking, the issue of human sex trafficking is still well alive and rising in the United States. In efforts to raise awareness and inform the public of this heinous act, it is important to identify the issue of human sex trafficking, capture the johns while raising awareness, and to provide rehabilitation for the victims. Human sex trafficking is demoralizingRead MoreThe Issue Of Human And Sex Trafficking1272 Words   |  6 Pagesnext is trapped in your head. What? How? Who? Is all you ask yourself. You become a lost soul who s left without any hope for a better tomorrow. No one ever believes it can happen to them , and it’s the last thing on anyone’s mind. â€Å"Human And Sex Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world† ( stop the traffik. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2016). It s such huge crime , yet the authorities can’t get it under control. These horrific events take place all over the world and there s onlyRead MoreSex Trafficking : A Common Issue For A Long Time1394 Words   |  6 Pages Sex trafficking can happen everywhere. People do not even realize when it is happening. Someone could be living their life, just as they normally do, and decided to go to the mall. Sometimes they may not even know that a little kid is going to be kidnapped, and later r aped. This is what sex trafficking is. Sex trafficking is commonly defined as when violence, drugs, lies, or any other form of coercion is used to force another person to have sex against their will. (Sex Trafficking in the U.S, 1)Read MoreSex Trafficking Has Turned Into A Developing Social Issue1868 Words   |  8 Pages Sex trafficking has turned into a developing social issue where people have become very valuable . In a neo-liberal state where financial flexibility and liberalization are frameworks set up to make a supposedly more unhindered society of equivalent assets and opportunities, this has been acclimated to end up a benefit making industry by traffickers who utilize the false deceptions of better lives abroad to trap individuals who experience high levels of poverty. The author Chika Unigwe was born

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Impact of AASB 116 on Change in Methods of Depreciation & Policies

Question: Discus about the Impact of AASB 116 on Change in Methods of Depreciation and Policies. Answer: Introduction The assignment focuses on the role of the accounting professionals based on the change in the method of depreciation that is done due to the challenges that business is facing in the current case. The company had a various type of challenges that they face due to the certain changes in the business environment of the company but such accounting policies can only be changed in the case it is in the scope of the standard that we need to follow in the day to day process that need to be followed by the customer. Accountants role in changing depreciation methods There isnt any requirement what is the meaning of the term depreciation, what is the impact of the same on the overall assets disclosed by the company in its financial statements Y-o-Y and how the same shall be taken to ascertain the useful life of the assets.There are instances wherein the role of the accountant is much more than just disclosing what should be the percentage of these and when to draw up a line to ensure that the disclosure is being made not only on a fair basis but also when there are cases wherein it is of an unusual nature, he correctly reports it as an extraordinary item and ensure there is no manipulation and inflation etc.(AASB 116 - Property, 2017)Accountant has to ensure that whenever there are cases of change in method of depreciation, it is within the parameters which allow it to happen and are being routed the usual process of approvals and disclosure because he is the person who vouches for the disclosed line items in the financials of the company.(Delloi tte, 2016) This is because, for instance, say the method of depreciation changes from SLM to sum of the digits method, it will result in higher profits being reported now onwards because till now, due to SLM method, almost double the depreciation was charged and income reported was less. Now when we change the same, it will result in lesser depreciation value and higher profits being reported. Thats why it should be validated, approved and at the most disclosed to the entire entity along with the stakeholders.(Carlin, 2016) Stakeholders take on change in method of depreciation: Before giving a response to his, the first step is to ensure who all are the persons to be included in the list of stakeholders and then see what will be the possible impact on the same due to change in method of accounting.Hence, stakeholders are people who belong to a substantially broader group, because they include any one having an interest in the success or failure of a business. This group can include shareholders, but goes well beyond shareholders to also include customers, communities, suppliers and partners, creditors and the government. Apart from the regular meetings that we have, we even need to check that how are going to justify the same to the larger board, impact of the same on the financials and how do we sustain it for the going concern concept of the accounting standard.(ABC, 2016) Apart from the requirement to undertake the responsibility to update this to the leads, the other basic requirement is to ensure that these things are being sought after these stakeholders rather than just intimating them regarding the same.(Laing, 2016) Impact of AASB 116: Property, Plant and Equipment The Standard applies to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009 with early application of the Reduced Disclosure Requirements (RDR). It incorporates relevant amendments made up to and including 30 June 2010. RDR amendments cannot be applied to periods beginning before 1 July 2009.We should comply with the requirements of the standard before going away with the change in method, and when we actually undertake the same, we should check the effective date from which it is applicable, whether there was any valuation done by an independent valuer, what are the methods and significant assumptions, while estimating the items of fair valuation and we need to mention the extent to which these line items have an influence and valuation whether directly or indirectly.(Guide, 2016) The Australian Accounting Board also pressurizes on how the valuation will be done for these line items and how the same shall be a part of the notes to accounts. We should present to the board why did the transition/change happen from one method to another and how does it control the overall disclosure requirements of the standard. Where all the lines have to be drawn by the presenters of the accounts and how are they disclosing these changes in method of depreciation.We need to check what all are the pending points to be monitored, what are the areas wherein we need to send up periodic reviews to the stakeholders and how do we justify the same to the group at large.(Hill, 2016) . More so, based upon the nature of the assets that meet the recognition criteria and are eligible for revaluation based upon the change in method of accounting, we shall take into account only those assets that may not have limited useful lives (for instance, when the entity adopts a bettered approach as they justify for it), and therefore may not be subject to depreciation. However, they would be subject to impairment testing when there is an indication of impairment.(Accounting for subsequent expenditure on PPE, 2014). As per the standard, we have come across that whenever there is an allowance to change the method of depreciation, i t cannot be done more than once and that too it should comply with the requirements mentioned therein as well. Ethics and governance: When coming up with a change in method of accounting, we need to check that how do we justify the change, what led to the changes, the impact of the same, how to disclose the same to the stakeholders, what made to happen those changes, and what will be the impact of the same. When we present the notes to accounts to the stakeholders, we shall be able to present the same in a workable model and share what shall be the assumptions baselined to arrive with this method, assets that meet the recognition criteria and are eligible for revaluation based upon the change in method of accounting, and then we need to send up periodic reviews to the stakeholders and how do we justify the same to the group at large. These group always thinks that the results published to the public at large are being checked and prepared with the current scenario.(, 2017) Cases wherein the company changes the method of depreciation, governance clauses specify that it should be disclosed by the company in its financial statements Y-o-Y and how the same shall be taken to ascertain the useful life of the assets and what will be the hit on the margins. When the entity witnesses the change, it is much more than just disclosing what should be the percentage of these and when to draw up a line to ensure that the disclosure is being made on a fair basis plus ensure that there are no cases wherein it is of an unusual nature, the entity correctly reports it as an extraordinary item and ensure there is no manipulation and inflation etc. to the stakeholders at large.(Amortisation, 2014) In cases of change in method of depreciation, ethics require to check that this change is within the parameters which allow it to happen and are being routed the usual process of approvals and disclosure because we should have a mechanism to vouch for the disclosed line items in the financials of the company. Because the value of depreciation considered by one method of depreciation, say for instance, change from SLM to sum of the digits method, it will result in higher profits being because due to SLM method, almost double the depreciation was charged and income reported was less. And in case of sum of digits method, it is aggressive and hence we end up taking more revenue as compared to the previous years. Thats why it should be validated, approved and at the most disclosed to the entire entity along with the stakeholders.(A guide for asset and maintenance managers, 2016) Recommendations: We recommend that when as a company policy, there is a change in the method of depreciation, it should have an impact from top to bottom and the discussion for the same should flow from bottom to top level. While presenting the financials to the stakeholders, the first thing to do is to comply ethically and legally and present all the numbers as it is. In this case, when Kam asked Maria to propose a method to sustain the profits of coming years over future years, rather than coming up with an option to change the method of depreciation and decide not to disclose the same to the people at large, Maria would have discussed openly and shared that disclosure of correct set of information is the basic requirement set and this has to come up right from the top management. Staggering of profits is something which should not be as a part of daily practice and rather than that we should ensure and take up measures that help us not only in coming up with better approaches to sustain and survive but also help us in making up with the expectations set up by the stakeholders and the shareholders.(Equipment, 2016) It is a primary requirement to ensure that this change is within the parameters which allow it to happen and are being routed the usual process of approvals and we should even undertake the disclosure because we should have a mechanism to vouch for the disclosed line items in the financials of the company. We understand we should take steps which does not allow us to violate the standards and any such changes leading to issues in the overall accounting principles of the company as a well and help to improve the ethical environment of the company on an overall level. Conclusion It can be said the company in the given case had tried to change the polices without proper allocation of the same with the AASB 116 with the motive to evade the revenue and impact the profits as well. It can be said that it is against the best practices that the company needs to follow and hence incorrect presentation of the statements to the public at large. These roles needs to be checked by the accountant and helps them to focus on the same and follow the standard before making any such decisions. Bibliography A guide for asset and maintenance managers. (2016). Department of Housing and Public Works, 1-5. AASB 116 - Property, P. a.-J. (2017). Reasons for Issuing AASB 116. Federal Register of Legislation, 1-1. ABC. (2016). Property, Plant and Equipment - Procedures. University Of Queensland, 1-4. Accounting for subsequent expenditure on PPE. (2014). Australia Government Department Office, 11-7. Amortisation, N. 5.D. (2014). NCAP 5 Depreciation and Amortisation . December 2014: State Of Queensland China . Carlin, T. M. (2016). The Insider Trading Implications of Directors Loans. JOURNAL OF LAW and Financials Management, 1-10. Delloitte. (2016). Valuing agricultural assets. USA: Delloitte Publishng House. Equipment, I. 1. (2016). IASB APPLICATION DATE. Asutralia: CPA Austlaia., A. (2017, 5 12). AASB 116. Retrieved from AASB.GOV.AU: Guide, R. M. (2016). Accounting for subsequent expenditure on PPE. Finance Gov In, 1-10. Hill, M. (2016). Revaluations and impairment testing of non current assets. LearnLIne EDU, 1-1. Laing, G. K. (2016). Deconstructing an accounting paradigm. 2015, 509-512.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Neuro Linguistic Programming Essay Example

Neuro Linguistic Programming Essay History of Neuro Linguistic Programming Abstract This paper covers the history and development of Neuro Linguistic Programming in the field of psychology covering its techniques and its growth from behavioral modeling and the influences of Gestalt psychologists Fritz Perls; Virginia Satir, and Milton Erikson. Richard Bandler and John Grinder are considered the fathers of Neuro Linguistic Programming and this paper covers the skills they developed and their discovery of the ways to identify the representational systems someone uses even when that person is not talking, by recognizing eye movements that reveal that the person is making pictures, hearing sounds, or sensing feelings. NLP can be used in psychotherapy but also in many other fields such as management, sales, marketing, public relations, education, therapy, the military and police, sport, and personal development. History of Neuro Linguistic Programming Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) was first developed in the U. S. in the early 1970s from studying the thinking and behavioral skills used by particularly effective and successful people. It is the way of organizing and understanding the structure of subjective experience (Bandler Grinder 1975). Developed by a mathematician; Richard Bandler and a linguist John Grinder, NLP has been clinically demonstrated as a useful technology for generating change. We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Together they studied the three most successful therapists at the time to uncover the structure behind their work. The three where the founder of Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls; Virginia Satir, Mother of Family therapy and Milton Erikson, the pre-eminent hypnotherapist of the modern era (Tan REV) NLP grew out of the behavioural modelling activity of Grinder and Bandler in studying Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, and Milton H Erickson. Richard Bandler (1949- ) enrolled as a psychology student in the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1970. John Grinder, (1940- ) was an associate rofessor of linguistics. Bandler joined the group of Grinder-followers and they became friends. Soon they were using Grinders linguistics to pursue Bandlers interest in the work and the success-rate of Virginia Satir (mother of Family Therapy) and Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt Therapy). They analysed writings and tape-recordings to discover what accounted for the successful results achieved by Satir and Perl s. Later, through a friend of Bandlers, they got to know and became admirers of Gregory Bateson who, in turn, introduced them to the work of Milton Erickson. Using their studies Bandler and Grinder where able to develop skills to of modeling that allowed them to identify the structural elements of another individual’s behavior and teach that behavior to a third person (Dilts, Grinder, Bandler, Cameron Bandler Delozier 1980). Bandler and Grinder noticed that the words people use to express themselves are a literal description of their mental experiences and at the basic level of understanding, people input, process internally, and output information using one or more of the five sensory channels; visual, auditory, kinesthetic, smell and taste. The first three are the most important in day to day information processing (Andreas Andreas 1982). As they began to come up with ideas, insights, and techniques they tried them out on friends (including Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron Bandler, and David Gordon) who soon joined them in developing and extending the work. The enthusiastic and highly creative group grew and this was how Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed. NLP has acquired a reputation for enabling people to become mind readers; this is partly because of the work of Grinder and Bandler. They discovered that there are ways to identify the representational systems someone uses even when that person is not talking, by recognizing eye movements that reveal that the person is making pictures, hearing sounds, or sensing feelings. And out of this search came many of the methods that are still part of good Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings such as anchoring, sensory acuity and calibration, reframing, representational systems, and the two Language Models as well as many of the personal change techniques such as the New Behavioural Generator and Change Personal History. Using eye movements as a method of determining the preferred representational system Falzett (1981) found that a male and female interviewer where rated as more trustworthy by subjects when predicated systems where matched by the interviewer than when the interviewer used mismatching predicates in responding to a subjects verbalizations. The NLP model states that because of a specific neural wiring, humans move their eyes in predictable patterns when they are accessing representational strategies. Breathing rate can also be used, high in the chest with short choppy breaths is a visual access, low in the stomach with deep breaths in kinesthetic access and even breathing in the middle of the chest indicates auditory access. Other behavioral aspects are the positioning of the shoulders, posture shifts, skin color changes, heart rate and also body temperature changes. (Schaefer, Beausay Pursley 1983). NLP states that these accessing cues are the process where an individual modulates their neurology to access various representational that are necessary when trying to make sense out of their environment. During therapy, NLP is process orientated; it is directed at the production of therapeutic change by affecting formal strategies that a person constantly employs. Expanding and challenging theses strategies is performed with the use of anchors. An anchor is a specific word which represents behaviors classically conditioned to evoke a specific response. This response can be cognitive or behavioral. An anchor does not need to be to be reinforced with its response and it does not need to be conditioned over a period of time. Language is a common anchoring system. For example, the word dog will be an auditory anchor to an image of four legged animal that barks, an effective anchor with little cognitive effort. The smell of a hospital or a family member screaming in anger is examples of anchors that have been unintentionally installed and they operate out of an individual’s awareness and direct control. Neuro Linguistic Programming operates to install new anchors which work just as well as these unintentional anchors and work toward evoking a response that increases the behavioral flexibility of a person and it is through these anchors that changes can be made in the strategies of thought. Using NLP a therapist can establish a map of one’s cognitive representation of the world and place anchors that be established in a clients strategies that provoke responses that differ from those expected using their original strategy. It is now used internationally used by millions of people throughout the world in such diverse fields as management, sales, marketing, public relations, education, therapy, the military and police, sport, and personal development. (Schaefer, Beausay Pursley 1983). Grinder and Bandler proposed certain assumptions in their model of communications, NLP. They assumed that people, (a) organize experiences into representational systems reflecting one or more sensory modes, (visual, auditory and kinesthetic); (b) vary in tendencies to encode experiences primarily in one sensory mode or another; (c) express such individual differences through choice of verbal predicates and through eyes movements; (d) communicate best with others who use the same representational or predicate systems. (Fromme Daniell 1984) The sensory mode utilized and the sequences of modality utilizations are critical to the performance of any given task. A person who is skilled at a certain task will have a radically different processing sequence from someone who performs poorly at the same task. The systems are sensory specific, grounded in a definable sensory system that provides the material for the experience. A person who uses a visual preferred representational system (PRS) will primarily attend to images, facial expressions and colors. Similarly, an auditory PRS may focus on sounds, tones, and volume. The kinesthetic PRS will focus on bodily sensations such as proprioceptive information, tactile experience, and the experience of affect. Hossack,MClinPSycholStandidge1993) References Andreas, C, Andreas, S. (1982). Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A new technology for training. Performance Instruction, 21(5), 37-39. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1002/pfi. 4170210519 Bandler, R Grinder, J (1975) Patterns of the Hypnotic techniques of Milton H Erickson MD, Vol 1 Cupertino, CA Meta Publications Dilts, R, Grinder, J, Bandle r, R, Cameron-Bandler, L DeLozier, J (1980) Neuro Linguistic Programming, Vol 1 Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications Einspruch, E. , Forman, B. (1988). Neuro-linguistic programming in the treatment of phobias. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 6(1), 91-100. http://search. ebscohost. com Fromme, D. , Daniell, J. (1984). Neuro-linguistic programming examined: Imagery, sensory mode, and communication. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31(3), 387-390. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-0167. 31. 3. 387 Gumm, W. , Walker, M. , Day, H. (1982). Neuro-linguistics programming: Method or myth? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29(3), 327-330. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-0167. 29. . 327 Hossack, Alex, MClinPsychol, Standidge, Karen. (1993). Using an imaginary scrapbook for neuro-linguistic programming in the aftermath of a clinical depression: A case history. The Gerontologist, 33(2), 265. Retrieved October 7, 2009, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 1649306). Helm, D (2003). Neuro Linguistic Programming: Deciphering the truth in the criminal mind. Education, 124(2), 257-260. Retrieved Octob er 5, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 532771451). Krugman, M. , Kirsch, I. , Wickless, C. , Milling, L. , Golicz, H. Toth, A. (1985). Neuro-linguistic programming treatment for anxiety: Magic or myth? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 53(4), 526-530. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-006X. 53. 4. 526 Schaefer, D. , Beausay, W. , Pursley, C. (1983). Neuro-linguistic programming: Introduction, assessment, and critique. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2(3), 2-13. Walter, J Bayat, A. (2003). Neuro-linguistic programming: The keys to success. Student MJ, 11, 252. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 373186041). Neuro Linguistic Programming Essay Example Neuro Linguistic Programming Essay History of Neuro Linguistic Programming Abstract This paper covers the history and development of Neuro Linguistic Programming in the field of psychology covering its techniques and its growth from behavioral modeling and the influences of Gestalt psychologists Fritz Perls; Virginia Satir, and Milton Erikson. Richard Bandler and John Grinder are considered the fathers of Neuro Linguistic Programming and this paper covers the skills they developed and their discovery of the ways to identify the representational systems someone uses even when that person is not talking, by recognizing eye movements that reveal that the person is making pictures, hearing sounds, or sensing feelings. NLP can be used in psychotherapy but also in many other fields such as management, sales, marketing, public relations, education, therapy, the military and police, sport, and personal development. History of Neuro Linguistic Programming Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) was first developed in the U. S. in the early 1970s from studying the thinking and behavioral skills used by particularly effective and successful people. It is the way of organizing and understanding the structure of subjective experience (Bandler ; Grinder 1975). Developed by a mathematician; Richard Bandler and a linguist John Grinder, NLP has been clinically demonstrated as a useful technology for generating change. We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Neuro Linguistic Programming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Together they studied the three most successful therapists at the time to uncover the structure behind their work. The three where the founder of Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls; Virginia Satir, Mother of Family therapy and Milton Erikson, the pre-eminent hypnotherapist of the modern era (Tan REV) NLP grew out of the behavioural modelling activity of Grinder and Bandler in studying Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, and Milton H Erickson. Richard Bandler (1949- ) enrolled as a psychology student in the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1970. John Grinder, (1940- ) was an associate rofessor of linguistics. Bandler joined the group of Grinder-followers and they became friends. Soon they were using Grinders linguistics to pursue Bandlers interest in the work and the success-rate of Virginia Satir (mother of Family Therapy) and Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt Therapy). They analysed writings and tape-recordings to discover what accounted for the successful results achieved by Satir and Perl s. Later, through a friend of Bandlers, they got to know and became admirers of Gregory Bateson who, in turn, introduced them to the work of Milton Erickson. Using their studies Bandler and Grinder where able to develop skills to of modeling that allowed them to identify the structural elements of another individual’s behavior and teach that behavior to a third person (Dilts, Grinder, Bandler, Cameron Bandler Delozier 1980). Bandler and Grinder noticed that the words people use to express themselves are a literal description of their mental experiences and at the basic level of understanding, people input, process internally, and output information using one or more of the five sensory channels; visual, auditory, kinesthetic, smell and taste. The first three are the most important in day to day information processing (Andreas Andreas 1982). As they began to come up with ideas, insights, and techniques they tried them out on friends (including Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron Bandler, and David Gordon) who soon joined them in developing and extending the work. The enthusiastic and highly creative group grew and this was how Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed. NLP has acquired a reputation for enabling people to become mind readers; this is partly because of the work of Grinder and Bandler. They discovered that there are ways to identify the representational systems someone uses even when that person is not talking, by recognizing eye movements that reveal that the person is making pictures, hearing sounds, or sensing feelings. And out of this search came many of the methods that are still part of good Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings such as anchoring, sensory acuity and calibration, reframing, representational systems, and the two Language Models as well as many of the personal change techniques such as the New Behavioural Generator and Change Personal History. Using eye movements as a method of determining the preferred representational system Falzett (1981) found that a male and female interviewer where rated as more trustworthy by subjects when predicated systems where matched by the interviewer than when the interviewer used mismatching predicates in responding to a subjects verbalizations. The NLP model states that because of a specific neural wiring, humans move their eyes in predictable patterns when they are accessing representational strategies. Breathing rate can also be used, high in the chest with short choppy breaths is a visual access, low in the stomach with deep breaths in kinesthetic access and even breathing in the middle of the chest indicates auditory access. Other behavioral aspects are the positioning of the shoulders, posture shifts, skin color changes, heart rate and also body temperature changes. (Schaefer, Beausay Pursley 1983). NLP states that these accessing cues are the process where an individual modulates their neurology to access various representational that are necessary when trying to make sense out of their environment. During therapy, NLP is process orientated; it is directed at the production of therapeutic change by affecting formal strategies that a person constantly employs. Expanding and challenging theses strategies is performed with the use of anchors. An anchor is a specific word which represents behaviors classically conditioned to evoke a specific response. This response can be cognitive or behavioral. An anchor does not need to be to be reinforced with its response and it does not need to be conditioned over a period of time. Language is a common anchoring system. For example, the word dog will be an auditory anchor to an image of four legged animal that barks, an effective anchor with little cognitive effort. The smell of a hospital or a family member screaming in anger is examples of anchors that have been unintentionally installed and they operate out of an individual’s awareness and direct control. Neuro Linguistic Programming operates to install new anchors which work just as well as these unintentional anchors and work toward evoking a response that increases the behavioral flexibility of a person and it is through these anchors that changes can be made in the strategies of thought. Using NLP a therapist can establish a map of one’s cognitive representation of the world and place anchors that be established in a clients strategies that provoke responses that differ from those expected using their original strategy. It is now used internationally used by millions of people throughout the world in such diverse fields as management, sales, marketing, public relations, education, therapy, the military and police, sport, and personal development. (Schaefer, Beausay Pursley 1983). Grinder and Bandler proposed certain assumptions in their model of communications, NLP. They assumed that people, (a) organize experiences into representational systems reflecting one or more sensory modes, (visual, auditory and kinesthetic); (b) vary in tendencies to encode experiences primarily in one sensory mode or another; (c) express such individual differences through choice of verbal predicates and through eyes movements; (d) communicate best with others who use the same representational or predicate systems. (Fromme Daniell 1984) The sensory mode utilized and the sequences of modality utilizations are critical to the performance of any given task. A person who is skilled at a certain task will have a radically different processing sequence from someone who performs poorly at the same task. The systems are sensory specific, grounded in a definable sensory system that provides the material for the experience. A person who uses a visual preferred representational system (PRS) will primarily attend to images, facial expressions and colors. Similarly, an auditory PRS may focus on sounds, tones, and volume. The kinesthetic PRS will focus on bodily sensations such as proprioceptive information, tactile experience, and the experience of affect. Hossack,MClinPSycholStandidge1993) References Andreas, C, Andreas, S. (1982). Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A new technology for training. Performance Instruction, 21(5), 37-39. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1002/pfi. 4170210519 Bandler, R Grinder, J (1975) Patterns of the Hypnotic techniques of Milton H Erickson MD, Vol 1 Cupertino, CA Meta Publications Dilts, R, Grinder, J, Bandle r, R, Cameron-Bandler, L DeLozier, J (1980) Neuro Linguistic Programming, Vol 1 Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications Einspruch, E. , Forman, B. (1988). Neuro-linguistic programming in the treatment of phobias. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 6(1), 91-100. http://search. ebscohost. com Fromme, D. , Daniell, J. (1984). Neuro-linguistic programming examined: Imagery, sensory mode, and communication. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31(3), 387-390. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-0167. 31. 3. 387 Gumm, W. , Walker, M. , Day, H. (1982). Neuro-linguistics programming: Method or myth? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29(3), 327-330. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-0167. 29. . 327 Hossack, Alex, MClinPsychol, Standidge, Karen. (1993). Using an imaginary scrapbook for neuro-linguistic programming in the aftermath of a clinical depression: A case history. The Gerontologist, 33(2), 265. Retrieved October 7, 2009, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 1649306). Helm, D (2003). Neuro Linguistic Programming: Deciphering the truth in the criminal mind. Education, 124(2), 257-260. Retrieved Octob er 5, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 532771451). Krugman, M. , Kirsch, I. , Wickless, C. , Milling, L. , Golicz, H. Toth, A. (1985). Neuro-linguistic programming treatment for anxiety: Magic or myth? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 53(4), 526-530. http://search. ebscohost. com, doi:10. 1037/0022-006X. 53. 4. 526 Schaefer, D. , Beausay, W. , Pursley, C. (1983). Neuro-linguistic programming: Introduction, assessment, and critique. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2(3), 2-13. Walter, J Bayat, A. (2003). Neuro-linguistic programming: The keys to success. Student MJ, 11, 252. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 373186041).