Friday, December 27, 2019

The Liberal Era Of The Progressive Era - 1220 Words

A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. ( ). The Progressive Era consisted of reformers demanding the government to clean up society. Entering office in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt was an individual in the republican Party, but as the country began to spin out of control Roosevelt joined the new Progressive Party and saved the country from a disastrous ending (685). Reformers set out to cleanse the country go its wrong doings. The progressivism agenda included: an active government to right political, economic and social wrongs (685). The activist only wanted the governments intervention for a short period of time then let the country run without government after things were back too†¦show more content†¦Multiple groups consolidated to fight for reform. The economic down fall was too drastic that it effected a significant number of people from several groups, among those included young protestants, muckrakers, and sociali st. Young protestants were passionate for righting moral wrongs and up lifting human spirts. Being raised in a protestant home prompted their interest in social actions. Even though many of them abandoned their religious pathway of becoming ministries or missionaries they were still discouraged in the corruption in American politics and the separation of rich and poor classes. Ida B Wells was a young protestant known as a muckraker, whom worked in investigation journalism, her goal was to dredge up the muck in American institutions. Ida B Well exposed John d Rockefeller as he had turned his Standard Oil Company into monopoly. The govenor of New Year, theodore Roosevelt gained congresses attention by his strong dedication, leadership and effort to rid the state of corruption and patronage. This type of characteristics was exactly needed in a president during this time of movement. Roosevelt was chosen to be McKinley s running mate. McKinley won the election but choose Roosevelt as hi s vice president. McKinley was shot during his term leaving Roosevelt in charge of the country. In 1902 Roosevelt used Sherman s antitrust act to break up the northern securities company. After thisShow MoreRelatedProgressive Era And Liberal Era1382 Words   |  6 Pages DBQ Progressive Era Essay Many citizens throughout the Progressive Era believed no changes occurred in the society because the press did not write about the changes and the Woman’s Suffrage Movement did not change either. However, changes such as the government changing, both the labor and meat inspection reforms, and trusts reforms indeed brought about change, noticeable or not. 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